Reason’s why reviews may not show up on your Google page!

It is likely that your review got filtered or removed for violating Google's review policies. Based on cases I've looked at, here is what I've come up with for reasons why reviews go missing:

* URLs in reviews * The same review appears elsewhere online (Yelp, a testimonials page on your website etc) * The person who wrote the review is a manager of your G+ Page * The person who wrote the review works for you * The person wrote the review from the same computer/IP Address that you sign into to manage your local listing * The person wrote the review from the same IP address as other users who left you reviews * The person tried to post a review for you several times on different dates (Ex: they wrote one August 5 and it got filtered so they tried again on October 10) * You've been collecting reviews in mass within a short time frame * The person reviewing you has also reviewed multiple other businesses with the same name (if you have several locations and they reviewed all of them) * The person reviewing you has a completely blank G+ profile and has never had any activity on that Google profile before or after they left you that review. * You hired an SEO company to post reviews for you * You have an onsite review station (Ipad, Computer etc) at your location * You are offering incentives for people who write you reviews. * Your # of reviews is abnormally higher than most businesses in your industry.


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